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Keele University

Keele, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
+44 1782 621111

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A Guide to Keele's Courses

Why Study at Keele?

You may be looking for a postgraduate taught course for a variety of reasons – to develop your experience and knowledge of your profession, to acquire high-level training in a new field, to build on previous academic activity to acquire more advanced understanding, or to prepare for a research degree or career. Keele has a wide range of courses which are each designed to meet one or more of these needs.

Most taught Masters courses combine compulsory modules and options, and a dissertation or substantial project is also required. Teaching is usually through seminars, with a high level of student participation. A full list of taught courses is given here and individual course leaflets are available for download. Most courses start in September/October, but check the tables for details of start dates.

Entry Requirements

Most postgraduate courses require at least a second class honours degree. However, equivalent professional qualifications or substantial relevant professional experience may also be considered for entry on some courses. In addition, where English is not your first language, you will be required to fulfil our English Language requirements. For further details see the course leaflets.

Qualifications Available

Most courses lead ultimately to Masters qualifications (180 credits), but many may be taken only to Postgraduate Diploma (at least 120 credits) or Postgraduate Certificate (at least 60 credits) level, depending on student choice and academic progress. One unit of credit is the typical learning outcome of 10 hours of study by the student, including all lectures and tutorials, assignments, project work and private study. This gives an indication of the time commitment you will need to make to be successful in your programme.

For some courses the Postgraduate Diploma is the professionally-recognised qualification (eg in Pharmacy). Some courses constitute the required entry qualification to practice (eg as a teacher, social worker or lawyer). In addition, we offer a Graduate Diploma course in Law (the Common Professional Examination) which is a conversion course for non-Law graduates who wish to prepare for a professional career in Law. This is equivalent to Honours Degree level (level 3) not Masters level.

Modes of Study

Different courses allow different modes of study. Most are available both full-time (FT) and part-time (PT), but some are only available part-time, particularly those targeted at people already likely to be in professional employment and looking to enhance their career skills, knowledge and qualifications. Some of these PT professional programmes are available on a distance learning basis (DL/PT) where the principal study mode is distance learning, supplemented by some Keele-based taught study days or blocks each year (normally 2 or 3 sessions, each of 1-4 days’ duration). Some of the DL/PT courses may be suitable for international students if you are able to travel to Keele for the residential study periods.

Many courses can be taken a module at a time, to suit your own preferred pace of learning. If you are interested in this mode of study, but it is not mentioned on the relevant course leaflet, please contact the Postgraduate Office to enquire about possibilities. In addition, most modules can be taken on a standalone basis, and in some fields (particularly Health Planning and Management, and Medicines Management) we offer short courses throughout the year, incorporating elements of our postgraduate programmes. Contact the School directly for details.

Costs of Study
For each year of study, you will need to find the appropriate tuition fees payable to the University, and also sufficient funds to enable you to support yourself during your studies.
Tuition Fees

Information on 2006/7 tuition fees for postgraduate taught courses is provided here. Fees are set in the late autumn each year for the following academic year (1 August-31 July). You should anticipate that the annual fee will increase broadly in line with inflation, although the University reserves the right to increase fees more than this if circumstances warrant.

For many courses it is possible to study one module at a time, in which case a fee for the module will be notified on request, if not shown on the fees leaflet. We have adopted a policy of no hidden charges, so that you will know from the outset the level of your financial liability. We also offer flexible payment methods, including two instalments (preferably by direct debit) and credit card payment (for which a small charge is made). If you are assessed as an overseas student for fees purposes, we are obliged by the British Government to charge you the full cost of your tuition without public subsidy, and you will therefore be required to pay tuition fees at a higher rate than for UK/EU students.

Living Expenses

You should be aware that postgraduate study is a 12-month annual commitment, and you should ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover living expenses for the full period. Living costs are difficult to estimate because much will depend on the standard of living you expect, and whether you have family responsibilities. You should expect to pay L6,300 to L8,600 for living costs (including accommodation) per year for yourself. This estimate does not include the costs of travelling to and from your home country. Campus prices for accommodation and meals are very reasonable and further discounts can be obtained by purchasing food with a Keele Card.

Our estimate of living expenses covers the following (2006/7 rates):


51 weeks in single room on campus = L2,835-L4,415
12-months contract off campus = L2,400-L3,120
(L200-260 plus per month, plus bills, except telephone)

General Living Expenses

Including food, toiletries, entertainment, clothing, laundry, telephone calls, stationery, equipment, photocopying.

52 weeks at L80 a week = L4,160
Total maximum = L8,575
Total minimum = L6,995

Funding Support
The sources of funding support available to you will depend on whether you are a UK or EU student, or a student from outside the EU. Information on the following pages can only be an approximate guide, and you are advised to consult the appropriate websites for up-to-date and comprehensive information.
UK/EU Students

For some professional courses, funding is available, either for just the fees, or also for student support. For details please contact the relevant Academic School.

Postgraduate Certificate of Education

On starting your PGCE at Keele, you will receive a training bursary of between L6,000 and L9,000 (varies between subjects). PGCE students are liable for L3,000 variable tuition fees (which can be taken out as a loan and repaid after qualifying). The first L1,200 of the maintenance grant is non-means tested for PGCE students. For students on the two-year conversion course, the training bursary is not paid until the second year. At the time of going to print, it is understood that the non-means testing of the maintenance grant will apply to each of the two years.

New home PGCE students who get a full grant of L2,700 will qualify for a L300 non-repayable bursary from Keele which will be paid to them in the February after they enrol and will also be considered automatically for the Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship.

Clinical Pharmacy Diploma

Up to 30 funded places (fees only) available for students employed in hospital trusts in the West Midlands (need to be nominated by employer).

Social Work

Students who are accepted onto the Social Work degree are eligible to apply for a bursary awarded by the GSCC.

UK/EU - Keele University Bursaries
Some Schools in the University have their own schemes for bursaries which they are able to offer to prospective students. In order to find out what opportunities there might be available to support your study, you should look at the Postgraduate Office website.
UK/EU - Other Possible Sources of Funding

Career Development Loans are available from some of the clearing banks. They are usually offered for postgraduate study with a vocational element. You should contact banks directly for further information.

Some LEAs are willing to consider applicants for Postgraduate Diploma courses for discretionary awards. Each application is considered individually under discretionary powers. The Department of Education in Northern Ireland publishes a list of awards for graduate study. Information is available from:

Rathgeel House
Balloo Road
Co. Down
BT19 7PR

Professional bodies sometimes have schemes or competitions for student support in specialist areas.

Employers are sometimes willing to make a contribution to the tuition fee.

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